You don’t have to go too far to find one. In my last blog I
posed that Fine Gael would wait until Christmas before they make a decision on whether
Verona Murphy will continue as their candidate for the General Election and
that when they would make their move, the last person to know would be Verona.
Such events are rapidly coming to pass, the timing being
brought forward as the likely date for the election moves forward from the late
Spring to possibly before Easter due to the Dara Murphy affair which leaves the
present government without a majority even relying on Fianna Fail to abstain.
The likelihood of a motion of no confidence in Simon Harris in the even t of
any future increase in trolley waiting times means that this government is at a
national level running out of road.
This reality means that a decision on Verona Murphy had to
be made sooner rather than later to give her successor a chance to get her name
out there before the official off in the election. Nothing personal, that’s
So Verona Murphy had to go, not for her views but because she
released a video on poling day which blamed the media for the debacle. Fine
Gael needed to replace her with a woman simply to maintain the gender balance.
Bridin Murphy was the right person in the right place to take on the difficult
job of winning a third seat for Fine Gael.
Verona Murphy will no doubt have something to say in her own
time as to how she feels. The reality is that she was racially divisive and
turned off many long time Fine Gael voters who voted for Labour. This makes her unelectable. Call Fine Gael
voters what you will, but they are no more or no less racist than the supporters
of any other party. When the penny dropped at head office the search started
behind Verona’s back for her replacement.
Cllr Murphy now has the unenviable task of trying to build
on Verona Murphy’s vote. It remains to be seen how she will get on with that
job given how voters disliked canvassers calling on dark cold nights in
The sacking of Verona will impact on the dynamic of the
General Election campaign in Wexford. Fine
Gael in New Ross were divided on who would represent them at a local elections
resulting in Pat Barden resigning to run his own successful independent campaign
in the local elections. This division was temporarily healed by Verona Murphy. Consequently
Pat Barden gave a strong endorsement of Verona Murphy after she issued her
racist statements. Now however, there is
every chance of the uneasy peace now sundering once more.
We may well see a higher Fianna Fail vote in New Ross
district as Fine Gael support drops in the forthcoming general election. Could this mean that the ultimate winner is
the Chairman of Wexford County Council; Michael Sheehan? Stranger things have
happened and there is nothing as strange as politics.
As the year ends and many reflect on a time when there was no room in the inn for strangers it's most appropriate for Fine Gael to move on and away from candidates who spout racism.
Happy Christmas.