Social distancing and
Hand washing are two very effective ways of preventing the spread of
Corona virus/ Covid 19. Social distancing
means that you maintain a safe distance from one another. Hand washing
means frequent and complete washing of hands for a period of over 20
On a wider scale adjusting to the new reality means
fundamental changes to a persons life. In this post I’m trying to address some
questions that are frequently asked and provide answers as accurately as
possible from current information. None of these questions relate to medical
treatment of the crisis, nor should anyone other a medical professional try to
answer that!
This page will be updated as more information comes to hand.
If you have a question, PM me!
Social Welfare
I’ve lost my job what
can I do?
Anyone who has lost their full or part time job and is aged
between 18 and 66 is entitled to an immediate payment of €350pw (COVID-19
Pandemic Unemployment Payment ). Your employer is able to top this up. This
payment applies to students and all workers regardless as to whether you are an
EU citizen or not however it will only be paid if you live in the jurisdiction. Apply online at
My job is secure however I am required to sell-isolate, Can I claim social welfare support?
My job is secure however I am required to sell-isolate, Can I claim social welfare support?
Yes, only if your employer is not paying you. You should immediately
apply for illness Benefit at an enhanced rate of €305 per week. Phone your GP
and ask someone to drop the completed application to Intreo, Anne St, Wexford.
I want to collect a welfare payment but I’m ill and can’t go out?
A temporary agent form is available at Download
it from, print it off and sign to authorise a designated person to
collect your payment. Otherwise ring the local office and it will be posted to
Will I have to turn up each week to collect my payment?
No. Welfare is now being paid fortnightly.
I'm self-employed and my business has had to close because of Covid-19, What can be done for me?
The temporary payment mentioned above has now been extended to include the self employed. Contact to apply
My companies income has dropped, we can't afford to pay workers yet we need to function. What help is there?
If company has had drop of 25% in income the Government will pay 70% of net
wages up to max of €410 per week if company willing to pay the
remainder of that staff members weekly wage
My business is down and I can't get a loan from my bank to keep me going?
If your business is impacted or may be impacted by COVID-19 resulting in a reduction of 15% or more in actual or projected turnover or profit, AND you are having difficulty in accessing finance from commercial lending providers, the MFI COVID-19 Business Loan may be able to help your business. Contact Wexford County Council and ask to speak to the Local Enterprise Officer.
My business needs additional funding. Can central government help?
Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland has a fund of €450M to loan so as to provide liquidity to SME's, The minimum loan is €25,000 and has a maximum interest rate of 4% over a maximum term of 3 years
A second scheme called the future growth loan scheme is designed to loan tranches of funds and is paid back over 8 years at a rate of 4.5%. Earliest repayments cover the interest owed on the loans, More details can be found at
I’ve lost my job and
can’t pay rent. Can I be evicted from my home?
If you are a tenant of Wexford County Council contact the
council immediately. The rent will be readjusted in line with the financial
reality. If you are in a private tenancy contact your landlord. Emergency
legislation passed by the Oireachtas prevents any eviction during this crisis.
I’ve lost my job and can’t pay my mortgage. Will that affect my relationship with my bank?
Ring your bank and explain what has happened. Financial
institutions have agreed a 3 month break in these circumstances will be
provided for mortgage holders. However, such leniency does not apply to car and
other personal loans. If you don’t interact with the bank you run the risk of
damaging your credit rating if you do not meet with payments
What will happen to
state exams?
Oral exams have been shelved at Leaving Cert and this years
exams will revolve around the written element due later in the year. Practical Leaving Cert exams have been deferred until later in the year also. This
decision does not affect work already due at Junior Cycle such as Classroom
Based Assessments.
What is the status of Leaving and Junior Cert Exams due in June?
The Leaving Cert is deferred until late July or early August. A redesigned exam time table will be published. Final arrangements for the exams, the exam centres, social distancing and other measures will all be determined by the State Examinations Commission. Junior Certs have been cancelled to be replaced by a proposed exam to be held at a later stage in the new school year.
What is the status of Leaving and Junior Cert Exams due in June?
The Leaving Cert is deferred until late July or early August. A redesigned exam time table will be published. Final arrangements for the exams, the exam centres, social distancing and other measures will all be determined by the State Examinations Commission. Junior Certs have been cancelled to be replaced by a proposed exam to be held at a later stage in the new school year.
When will schools
Schools will not return until a decision has been taken by
Boards of Management following advice from the Department of Education &
Skills. The immediate priority following the return of school will be dictated
by the impact of the virus on the school community.
How will this affect a CAO application?
Colleges have already indicated that 3rd level course for present students will re-commence on time but that first year courses will commence later than usual.
How will this affect a CAO application?
Colleges have already indicated that 3rd level course for present students will re-commence on time but that first year courses will commence later than usual.
How does the Covid 19
outbreak affect policing?
Garda stations remain open and additional garda personnel
have been deployed to assist within communities. Additional emergency laws provide for gardaí to arrest people that frequently disobey the 2km restriction or who fail to comply with a direction to return home
Can I use a bus or
train as normal?
Wexford Bus schedules have been reduced on route 340 to Dublin and services to Carlow and the Castlebridge suspended. To comply with social distancing they are limiting capacity to keep
passengers a safe distance apart. Bus Eireann and Irish Rail services run to a much reduced timetable. Wexford Railway Station only opens 10 minutes prior to departure.
Post Offices
Can I collect my
pension, child benefit or other entitlements?
Yes. Post Offices are continuing to provide a service within
the parameters of social distancing. If you are unable to collect the payment
the Post Office will retain it for longer than normal in the current
circumstances. If you are unable to collect a temporary agent form can
authorise someone to collect on your behalf. Wexford Post Office remained open longer to facilitate pensioners on Friday last. Ring to see if this may be repeated.
Where is the best
place to find out what is happening in Wexford?
Wexford People and South East Radio provide accurate and up
to date information in traditional and online formats. is
another online news specialist.
Will eircom’s proposed new charges come into effect on March 31st?
Eircom have announced that they have decided to suspend
their decision to implement charges for email addresses until after the current
crisis has passed so there’s no need to rush to close down or alter email
Wexford County
Do I still have to pay
rates while my business is closed?
If your business has closed contact the council and let them
know. Councils will not be sending out anymore rates bills during the current
emergency. If your business is in the retail. Hospitality, leisure or childcare
sector you can defer payment of bills already sent for 3 months. However some
businesses are trading still and they are required to pay bills received. The
council will deal with businesses experiencing difficulties on a case by case
Will the council
services continue during the crisis?
Partly. Parks and especially playgrounds are closed given
the likelihood that social distancing rules may be compromised. Libraries in
the county are also shut. Loans can be renewed online.
Housing, Environmental, Community services all continue to
be delivered. District offices in the main towns are open. Car parks at local beaches and beauty spots have been closed.
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