Sunday, 19 May 2019

Tales from the canvas 2.0

Last week of the canvas and we’re on the run in to polling day. The campaign has moved up a gear clearly. Campaigning is not what it used to be. Every campaign throws up its curiosity.  A while back it was common place to see notices on the doors to tell Fianna Fail not to call. Nowadays they’re gone.
But to the keen observer it is now clear that the electorate prefer not to discuss national issues. If you discuss local issues you’ll switch on a gear in some people that they never knew was there. From the construction at the Crescent in Wexford to the road to Castlebridge and the ongoing disruption due to broadband, local issues are back with a bang.
The other observation is that often homes are vacant when you call. The driveway is empty and curtains pulled, so it is a case of “sorry I missed you”. Two reasons spring to mind. One is that the homeowner is out at work. Activity outside the home  means economic activity. That’s a welcome change from 5 years ago.  Or just maybe could it be that once or twice the owner sees who’s at the door and prefers not to answer regardless of which party if any that is calling?
The weather is good for canvassing, rarely has a day been lost due to rain.  Labour is canvasing as a team of 3.  Other parties make their own arrangements. The late declaration of another independent is interesting. Micéal Ó Drisceoil is the only independent to put up posters and he may well have spotted a niche which may affect how independently minded voters might act.  Had his declaration come earlier he may well have given the established field a run for their money. It is hard to catch up when you declare late but let’s wait and see, nobody has voted yet.

So for the record there are now 14 candidates on the ballot paper
LAB        Bell Maura
AON      Cole Elaine
SF           Forde Tom
FG           Hegarty John
IND        Hynes Davy
IND        Kelly Leonard
FF           Laffan Garry
LAB        Lawlor George
FF           Murphy Colin
IND        Ó Drisceol Mícheál
FG           Reville  Angela
LAB        Ryan Joe
FG                           Walsh Ger
SOL-PBP               Walsh Tony
Polling is on Friday next between 7 AM and 10 PM


  1. Good luck Joe. Did you meet any naturists on the campaign who will only entertain canvassers that present naked to put their case for to win the vote! All the rage in Tramore apparently.

  2. This issue has not been raised on the doorstep yet with me, but as you know yourself, the last days before polling can be hectic and I'll be out in Curracloe later this week, so my cards are marked for me now!

    I'll propose a sub committee of the council to look at this in more detail!

  3. Speaking of local issues Joe no one seems to know what is happening with M11/M25 extension to Rosslare. Some of us out in Newcastle Crossabeg are in the red zone but the council are not providing any info re progress

  4. I was away to see my mum but I make sure comeback to vote good luck ����
