Those were not normal times.
One of the motions that was passed at Wexford Borough Council concerned
home adaption grants. Effectively the
list couldn’t progress as the money had been used up unless there was a real
life or death case.
It was grist to the political mill and some councillors and
local election candidates highlighted the lack of money although rarely pointed
out why there was no money and of course didn’t point out where the replacement
funds could be sourced. Any proposed tax
increase was fought tooth and nail.
Now of course that the home adaptation grants are being
properly funded by Labour’s Alan Kelly, there’s not a word out of those who
made the loud protests on behalf of the most vulnerable. The good news for those that need their
houses altered to help them cope with their disability is that there’s over €50M
available for them and of that Wexford gets €1.5M.
It can only be good and while it can never make good any
disability it makes homes more liveable in.
Because when councillors said that spending less on home adaptions made
disabled more dependent on family, friends and state services, they were right
and nobody denied that. Now that more
cash is being targeted early on in the recovery, maybe, just maybe some of
councillors that complained a few years might just say to Alan Kelly and
Brendan Howlin well done on finding the resources for this.